Friday, December 19, 2008

I hope everyone is enjoying this Holiday Season!! I certainly am, and I am so excited for the snow and having a white Christmas. I can't believe Ava's progress over this last month! It's incredible, she's so cute. Vidal and I also took his nephews to the dinosaur museum, it was so much fun, they are such good boys and I hope they had fun! And thank you so so much to my mom for giving them that extra little "tour" - they really are enjoying the bones they got to take home.
She was so so so so tired. She passed out from all the excitement :)
Ava is now trying to sit independently, and she eats everything, but that's been going on for awhile now. Here are some recent pictures.

And I am sooooo EXCITED! The doctor confirmed at Ava's last appointment that she is going to keep those beautiful blue eyes of hers!! She's going to be a heart breaker!

Last thing I'm going to put on here is a video Vidal took of Ava playing in her "saucer" - she gets extremley frustrated with the toys because they don't seem to go in her mouth.

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a Happy New Year! Love you all!! :)

1 comment:

Jamie, Amanda, and Kids said...

Haha lol, the kids and I watched Ava try to get those toys in her mouth at least 4 times. It was hilarious to watch her get so worked up about it! Fun!