Really there hasn't been any new developments, Vidal and I are getting his brother's old couches, they are getting switched out as I write this. Hopefully with the new arrangement our apartment won't look as crowded, maybe I'll take some pictures after it's done to show it off! And hopefully when I go home today the apartment won't be a complete wreck!
Ava is getting bigger and bigger. She is starting to eat everything she can get her little hands on. She also seems to be wanting our food as well. The picture below was so funny to watch. EVerytime Vidal would raise the food to his mouth she'd follow it, she does it constantly with everything now. If I hold her she'll follow anything on my fork, so funny and so cute.
Other than that here is a few updated photos of our little one. First picture, she has a new toy, and she gets so passionate about it...I'm sure you'll enjoy her facial expressions while she is trying to attack whatever she can!
Nice face....
Then, just me and my angel...
Thanksgiving is next week, and Vidal and I will be spending the holiday here and then we are heading to Elko for the weekend! I'll have an update after that. Looking forward to some away time!